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10 Useful Chrome Extensions for Web Developers to Boost Productivity


In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying productive and efficient is crucial. With the right tools, you can streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. This blog will highlight more than ten useful Chrome extensions designed for web developers.
From code editing to performance optimization, these extensions offer a range of features that can supercharge your development process. Let's dive in and discover the must-have extensions that will take your web development productivity to new heights.


Clear and concise communication is vital in web development. Grammarly, a popular Chrome extension, acts as a virtual proofreader, checking your spelling, grammar, and punctuation across various online platforms.
With its real-time suggestions and corrections, Grammarly ensures that your code comments, documentation, and other written communication are error-free and professional. It's an indispensable tool for maintaining clarity and professionalism in your work.

Web Developer

Web Developer is a comprehensive Chrome extension that equips you with an array of tools for efficient web development. From analyzing and editing CSS to inspecting HTML elements and JavaScript validation, this extension offers a range of features to enhance your workflow. It allows you to disable JavaScript, clear cookies, resize the browser window, and much more. With Web Developer, you have a Swiss Army knife of web development tools right at your fingertips.


ColorZilla is a popular Chrome extension that simplifies color management in web development. It enables you to sample colors from any webpage, generate color palettes, and obtain color codes for use in your CSS or design projects.
With a built-in eyedropper tool and color picker, ColorZilla makes it easy to match and extract colors from images, gradients, or any element on the web. It's a time-saving extension for web developers who work extensively with colors.

JSON Viewer

Working with JSON data is a common task in web development. JSON Viewer allows you to view, validate, and format JSON documents directly within your browser. It presents the JSON data in a readable and organized format, making navigating and understanding complex structures easier. With JSON Viewer, you can quickly identify errors, validate your JSON, and ensure data integrity in your web applications.


Lighthouse is an essential extension for optimizing the performance and quality of your web applications. Developed by Google, it audits web pages and provides valuable insights on various aspects, including performance, accessibility, SEO, and best practices.
Lighthouse generates detailed reports, highlighting areas for improvement and suggesting optimizations. With this extension, you can ensure that your web applications are fast, accessible, and following industry best practices.


Wappalyzer is a handy web development Chrome extension that helps you identify website technologies and tools. It detects the content management systems, frameworks, programming languages, and other technologies behind a site.
This information is valuable for understanding the technology stack of a website, gaining insights into how certain features are implemented, and exploring new tools and frameworks. Wappalyzer provides an insightful peek behind the scenes of the web.


GitHub is a popular platform for version control and collaboration in web development. Octotree is a Chrome extension that enhances your GitHub browsing experience by adding a sidebar tree view of the repository's files and folders.
It simplifies navigation and allows you to explore the repository's structure without jumping between pages. With Octotree, you can quickly locate files, review code, and streamline your GitHub workflow.

React Developer Tools

The React Developer Tools extension is a game-changer for web developers working with React. It provides a set of debugging and inspection tools specifically tailored for React applications. You can inspect component hierarchies, view props and state, track component performance, and analyze the virtual DOM. React Developer Tools offers invaluable insights into the structure and behavior of your React applications, enabling efficient debugging and optimization.


Typography is a significant aspect of web design. WhatFont allows you to identify the fonts used on any webpage easily. This extension reveals font details, including family, size, weight, and line height with a simple click.
WhatFont is particularly useful for inspiration, font selection, and troubleshooting typography-related issues. It saves time and effort in manually inspecting CSS stylesheets or searching through code.


Web development often involves juggling multiple tabs and resources. OneTab is a Chrome extension that helps you manage tab clutter and improve system performance. With a single click, it consolidates all open tabs into a single tab, saving memory and reducing clutter.
You can easily restore individual tabs or groups of tabs whenever needed. OneTab is an effective tool for organizing your research, projects, and resources, allowing you to focus on the task at hand.


CSSViewer is a handy Chrome extension for web developers that allows you to inspect and analyze the CSS properties of any element on a webpage. By simply hovering over an element, CSSViewer displays its styles, including font size, color, padding, margin, and more.
This extension eliminates the need to dig through complex stylesheets or use browser developer tools to identify specific CSS properties. With CSSViewer, you can quickly understand the styles applied to elements, troubleshoot layout issues, and fine-tune your CSS code. It's a valuable tool for easily improving your web pages' design and layout.


With these 10+ useful Chrome extensions, web developers can boost productivity, streamline workflows, and enhance their development process. From grammar checking to performance optimization, these extensions cater to various aspects of web development.
Integrating these tools into your browser empowers you to work efficiently, debug effectively, and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. Experiment with these extensions and find the ones that best suit your workflow, transforming your web development experience into a seamless and productive journey.
Posted By Sahil at

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