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4 Simple Ways to Drive Sales on Social Media

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019

You must have been using social media to engage with fans and grow your brand as your digital marketing strategy
You are probably already investing in other channels, like email marketing, content marketing, SEO, and PPC. Now, It’s time you want to start using the channel to make more sales and get them rolling. In fact, it has been found that social media is one of the top five marketing channels to generate a solid ROI.
In this post, you will learn some of the most effective methods for using social media to drive sales and revenue. 

1. Be Where Your Audience Is

Are you wondering that after putting a lot of efforts, still your social media marketing isn’t yielding any favorable results? 
That is because you are NOT using the platform that your audience uses. You can’t just sign up for Instagram and expect to find your target B2B customers to be there.
First, look at your target demographic and try to find out where they are most active. If you’re targeting a B2B audience, LinkedIn may be a good starting point, along with Facebook, because each one has a massive user base. 
Once you are on the right social media platform, you will have a better chance of reaching your target audience. Consequently, when you can reach your target audience more effectively, your chances of driving sales improve dramatically. 

2)  Work with Social Media Influencers

Influencer marketing has become a popular marketing tool recently because it works. Twitter found that almost 40% of Twitter users felt compelled to make a purchase after seeing an influencer’s tweet.
The study also found that people trust influencers the way they trust their friends. This simply goes to show that promoting your brand and products through social media influencers is very likely to drive sales, and in some cases it has delivered ROI as high as 600%.
In order to make to make more sales through social media, you need to utilize the power of social media influencers. Connect with them and make them to strategically feature your product in their photos or videos, or let them tell a unique and engaging story about your brand. You can hire SEM expert to search and build the connection with the influencers.

3) Turn Loyal Customers into Brand Advocates

Using social media influencers is certainly good for your social media strategy but if you want to promote your products using real people, you can achieve this through your existing customers. They can become effective brand advocates for you, all you have to do is to entice them to promote your products in exchange for freebies and discounts.
Another way you can drive more sales through social media is by encouraging your customers to share their photos using your product online. You can go one step further by sharing these user-generated photos on your own social media profiles. 
This will build up the mutual respect and increase loyalty with your existing customers. Moreover, it will add credibility to your brand whenever potential customers visit your social media profiles.

4) Create Valuable Content

Social media is an excellent platform for brands to provide very small, yet valuable content to their audience. This content should be engaging to your audience. It should compel them to make a purchase.
In addition to promoting your blog posts on social media, create bite-sized informational content that will educate and provide value to your social media audience. Creating guides and how-to content would be an ideal content strategy as it provides customers with the kind of information that will entice them to try your product.
Similarly, you can provide useful tips on how to use your products in combination with other things. In case of fashion accessories, for instance, you can put together an outfit that matches the accessory. Or in the case of tech gadgets, you can showcase some of the cool things people can do with it.


These are some of the most effective ways your brand can increase sales by using social media platform.  It all comes down to making your target audience trust you and for that you need to provide them what they are looking for. The goal is to minimize any hassles or steps that might discourage people from making a purchase.
Cogniter Technologies helps your business to get brand identity through our search engine marketing services.  We are one of India’s top social media marketing company and we will share with you a concrete plan to produce visible and measurable results.

Contact us and discuss your project with us at info@cogniter.com!
Posted By Ankita at

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