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Top 9 Site Speed Mistakes that Affect Your Website Sales and Conversions

THURSDAY, MAY 04, 2023

Site speed is crucial for search engine rankings, user experience, and traffic & revenue. If you are looking to boost your sales and conversion, it is high time to pay close attention to your site speed.  
Slow loading times can cause potential customers to bounce from your site and drop your search engine rankings. Hence, here is a list of some silent killers that might kill your website’s speed and conversions.  

Too Many Large Images

Images are essential for website design, but they can also slow down your site if they’re not optimized. Large and uncompressed images take longer to load and consume valuable space on your server. 
The solution to this is optimizing images by compressing them to reduce file size without sacrificing quality. Use image compression tools or plugins to optimize images automatically when you upload them to your site. Hiring a web design company is another great way to ensure your site images load fast and improve user experience.  

Not Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN is a network of servers that delivers your site’s content to visitors from the server nearest to them. It can help improve site speed by catching your site’s files on multiple servers worldwide. When a user visits your site, the server nearest to them will deliver the content, reducing latency and load time.  
CDNs are highly useful for sites with a global audience or those that serve a log of media content, such as images or videos.  

Not Catching Your Site

Browser caching can help speed up your site by storing frequently used files, such as images, on a user’s device. When a user revisits your site, the browser can load the files from the cache, reducing load time. 
You can enable browser caching by adding headers to your site’s files, such as images, CSS, and Javascript files. Besides, you can use plugins to help you implement caching on your site.  

Using Too Many Plugins 

While plugins are great for adding functionality to your site, using too many can slow down your site and hurt your conversion rates. Each plugin adds extra code to your site, which can cause conflicts and slow down loading times. 

Therefore, it becomes necessary to limit the number of plugins on your site and only use the essential ones. Doing some groundwork can help you find tools to check and remove plugins that may slow down your site.  

Not Optimizing Your Site Code 

Your site’s code is what makes everything work. However, if it’s not optimized, it can cause your site to slow down. Bloated or inefficient code can create havoc on the performance of your site. 
Make sure to minify your HTML code by removing unnecessary spaces and characters. You can also use a code optimization tool to streamline your code and make it load faster.

Using A Slow Web Host

Your web host is the server that stores your site’s files and delivers them to visitors. If your web host is slow or overloaded, your site will be slow too. Hence, choose a web host that offers fast servers and reliable uptime. 
It is also wise to go for a hosting plan that meets your site’s needs, as a shared hosting plan may not provide enough resources for a high-traffic site. You can also use tools to monitor your site’s uptime and performance to ensure your web host delivers the speed and reliability you need.

Not Using a Responsive Design 

With more and more people accessing the internet on their devices, having a responsive design is crucial for online success. A responsive design allows your site to adjust to the user’s screen size, making it easier to navigate and improving the user experience. 
By using a responsive theme or opting for the web design service for a custom theme, you can ensure that your site has a responsive design that works on all devices. You can also test your site’s responsiveness using tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test or Responsive Design Checker.  

Not Optimizing Your Database 

Over time, your site’s database can become bloated with unnecessary data, slowing down your site. Optimizing your database can improve site speed by reducing the size of your database and optimizing database queries. 
You can optimize your database by using a plugin like WP-Optimize or WP-DBManager. This will help remove unnecessary, optimize database tables, and perform other maintenance tasks.  

Avoiding Gzip Compression

Gzip compression can boost your site speed by reducing the size of your site’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. It works by compressing your site’s files before sending them to a visitor’s browser, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred. 
You can add the appropriate code to your site’s .htaccess file to enable Gzip compression. WP Fastest Cache and WP Rocket are among the leading plugins allowing Gzip compression on your site.  

To Conclude 

Optimizing your site speed is paramount for your business’s online success. With the above tips, you can create a fast and successful site to help you provide a better user experience and achieve your business goals. Remember to regularly monitor your site’s speed and performance and make any necessary optimizations to ensure your site remains fast and responsive.
Posted By Kajal at

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