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Internal Linking and Other Small Details Matter in Local Internet Marketing


When it comes to local internet marketing, everyone likes to have a big picture. Few bother to jump into the jungle of nitty-gritty because small details are either overlooked because they are unimportant or elbowed away because they are considered messy. It is time for a change because problems do not vanish when they are ignored.
Reputed professional SEO providers are aware how vital small details are to local internet marketing. So their digital marketing solutions stress on little things, such as website structure and internal linking. Their professionals dig deep and use best practices to make sure your website does not invite a search engine penalty or lose visitors because of a few, seemingly small mistakes.
This blog looks at just such a small detail which, if overlooked, can make your website repelling to visitors and make Google, Bing, and other search engines’ bots angry. It is internal linking.
Internal links are those URLs which help a visitor navigate from a page on your website to another. They are most prominently used on a website’s homepage — where clicking a series of internal links helps visitors navigate to Contact Us, About Us, and other pages easily.
Navigation is the primary motive internal links are inserted into a website. So it is crucial to make sure the job is done efficiently. Here are a few tips to make your internal links more navigation friendly:
  • Use a different color, but not one that is repelling to the eye.
  • Do not use many links; else it will make your website look spammy.
  • Link only when it is required; many links can confuse visitors.
  • Use descriptive links; “Previous Designs” carries more information than either “Previous” or “Designs.”
  • Be honest; do not use false or misleading descriptions. It will hurt credibility in a big way.
  • Don’t be pushy by slapping links on every square inch of white space.
Little details, such as internal linking, matter a lot in local internet marketing. Yet many professionals tend to overlook them. Do not be one of them. Instead capitalize on them to dominate your local internet search.
Posted By Annie at

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